Eco-Drive SATELLITE WAVE Image Video
This film is the result of collaboration between CITIZEN and the animated series APPLESEED XIII. Eco-Drive SATELLITE WAVE draws its energy from light and receives signals from navigation satellites to display accurate time. Through the medium of animation, one of Japan’s leading cultural exports, the film encapsulates the world view that inspired this watch.
Dawn breaks over Olympus, a solar-powered city of the future.
Time signals stream down from space.
The leading characters of APPLESEED XIII, Deunan and Briareos, sprint through the city. The hands of Eco-Drive SATELLITE WAVE on their arms move in unison as they receive accurate time signals from navigation satellites. Time signals stream down from space to every corner of the earth.
Based on Shirow Masamune’s sci-fi manga of the same name, APPLESEED was an outstanding Japanese full-3D computer graphics movie released in 2004. Its groundbreaking visual images thrilled audiences around the world. Set in the near future, it told the story of a global organization striving to assure the survival of Earth and the human race, and created a minutely detailed vision of a future world with close attention to authenticity.
This film has been produced by mixing in images from APPLESEED XIII, a new series of episodes due for release in 2011.
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