Crystallised Essence of Time
A light-powered watch with
annual accuracy of ±1 second

Essence of Time
The most precise light-powered watch in the world*
with annual accuracy of ±1 second.
The crystallisation of CITIZEN’s technology,
craftsmanship and philosophy of watchmaking,
all refined into the Caliber 0100.
*As of February 2019, for an autonomous analogue quartz watch, according to research by Citizen Watch Co., Ltd.
Caliber 0100 Special Movie
TECHNOLOGYTechnology of
Caliber 0100
The second hand of a watch counts out
31,536,000 seconds every year.
A watch with accuracy of ±1 second per year
must mark those millions of seconds with annual
deviation within just one second.
To mark the seconds with such perfect purity,
all the watch’s individual components
need to be made with greater precision.