11 cases
The instruction manual was lost. How can I get one again?
You can download PDFs of instruction manuals from the support page of our web site.The instruction manuals are listed following movement numbers of the watches.You can search the numbers on this page.・For some models, you can also use the abbreviated instruction.Instruction manual
The inside of the watch has got wet. What can I do?
Repair it immediately.Look for and consult your nearest service center by visiting the support page on our web site.World Wide Service Center
The watch got foggy inside the glass. What kind of care is required?
When the fog disappears by a couple of minutes after drying the glass surface, there is no problem. However in the case the watch stays foggy for a longer time, there could be trouble with water sealing.Look for and consult your nearest service center by visiting the support page on our web site.World Wide Service Center
LCD indication became black and nothing is indicated. What can I do?
LCD indication may temporarily become black when environmental temperature is around 60 °C/140 °F or hotter.This is not a malfunction.The indication returns normal when it becomes ordinary temperature.Excessive heat or cold affects the lifetime of the LCD. Avoid such extreme environments.
Indication speed of the LCD is too slow. Why?
Owing to characteristics of liquid crystal, indication speed of the LCD may become slower when the environmental temperature is around 0 °C/23 °F or colder.This is not a malfunction.The speed returns normal with ordinary temperature.Excessive heat or cold affects the lifetime of the LCD. Avoid such extreme environments.
LCD indication is faint. What can I do?
It may be caused by the end of life of the LCD or other parts.The lifetime of the LCD is about eight years (some 70 000 hours).On non-solar-powered models, if the cause is not LCD's lifetime, the indication may return to normal by replacing the battery with a new one.
Sometimes, the second hand has been seen running very quickly, then come back to normal operation. Why?
This can happen when you take out the Eco-Drive watch with power save function from the drawer or look at the watch which has been under your sleeve. Under those circumstances such as being left in the dark, the watch goes into power saving status and stops its hand in order to save energy. Once the watch is exposed to light, the hands will move very quickly to catch up with the current time stored within the watch.
The second hand moves at irregular set of intervals, such as 1- second, 1- second, and 2-second in turn. What does this mean?(Irregular Two Second Interval Movement)
In this case, the watch tells you that the time shown is incorrect because the watch has stopped once and started again (time setting warning feature). After recharging and adjusting your watch, it will be back to normal operation.
The second hand jumps in 2-second intervals. Why?
This means the battery is at a low charge level (insufficient charge warning function). After having the battery sufficiently charged, the second hand will return to the normal operation.
The second hand (the longest hand at the center) does not move at all even though all other hands and indication run normally. Why?
If your watch has chronograph functionality, the longest hand at the center may be the chronograph second hand.The chronograph second hand moves only while the chronograph is measuring time.On this type of watches, the second is often indicated by a small hand at a sub dial.Refer to the instruction manual of your watch to check whether it has the chronograph function and to see further details of the function.Instruction manual your nearest service center if it does not have the chronograph function.World Wide Service Center
My Eco-Drive watch has stopped. What can I do?
Its power reserve may be insufficient. Expose the dial to direct sunlight to charge it.Depending on the model, charging time for a watch to go from stopped to normal operation may vary.Refer to the instruction manual of the watch to verify charge time.・For some models, you can also use the abbreviated instruction.Instruction manual your nearest service center if it does not move even after charging.World Wide Service Center
11 cases