A world where we share the planet
with other living creatures
I want to be satisfied with what I’ve got,
the way people were in the old days.
What goes around comes around.
Let’s deploy modern science and technology
to make a world where we can live in harmony
with other creatures.
I want a world where the people I care
about the most all have smiles on their faces.
She made a big splash at the age of 17 with her debut at New York Fashion Week. She has been in the frontlines of fashion as a top international model ever since. In parallel with her modeling career, she has taken on new challenges as an actress and as a TV, radio and event personality. A supermodel with an unprecedented career in Japan, she is now venturing into new fields such as charity and philanthropy, as well as introducing traditional Japanese culture to people in Japan and abroad. She is an ambassador for JOICFP, a Japan-based international NGO active in the field of sexual and reproductive health, and an SDGs ambassador for an ethical lifestyle at Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency.